Campsite in town

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Tarif: 2,50 € l'appel + 2,50 €/mn

Book a campsite in town


To visit Paris for cheap, we do not always think about choosing an accommodation in a campsite
However, there are comfortable campsites on the outskirts of every major city.
To all those for whom holidays are synonymous with culture, campsite is ideal for exploring the wonders of the country in a cheap way.
Campsites in Paris, Bordeaux and Avignon are just waiting to welcome you.

Bruges (33)
Campsite town
Picture of the campsite Village Du Lac, Camping de Bordeaux at Bruges
Royat (63)
Campsite town
Picture of the campsite Camping Indigo Royat at Royat
Dardilly (69)
Campsite town
Picture of the campsite Camping Indigo International de Lyon at Dardilly
Neydens (74)
Campsite town
Picture of the campsite Camping La Colombiere  at Neydens


Paris (75)
Campsite town
Picture of the campsite Camping Indigo Paris at Paris
Versailles (78)
Campsite town
Picture of the campsite Huttopia Versailles at Versailles
Avignon (84)
Campsite town
Picture of the campsite Péniche QI at Avignon
Belfort (90)
Campsite town
Picture of the campsite Camping Etang des Forges*** at Belfort


Champigny-sur-Marne (94)
Campsite town
Picture of the campsite Camping Paris-Est at Champigny-sur-Marne



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