Strasbourg hotel des princes : Strasbourg Hotel

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Tarif: 2,50 € l'appel + 2,50 €/mn

Hôtel des Princes 3/53/53/5
33, rue Geiler, 67000 Strasbourg
Hôtel des Princes - Hotel
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Website : Hôtel des Princes
Rates for single room 120 €
Rates for double room 120 €
Rates for triple room 160 €

Number of rooms : 43

Hôtel des Princes STRASBOURG Average rating 4 Star Rating45 Average of 18 ratings
Hotel des Princes - Strasbourg

Halfway between the European Parliament and Orangerie Park, the Hotel des Princes combines the advantages of being near the European Council and the calm of a quiet neighbourhood.

An ideal location

Within walking distance of the historic and cultural city centre, you will also appreciate its direct access to the Conference Centre and Exhibition Place.


Rooms are all equiped with direct dial phone, alarm-clock, TV.


Buffet Breakfast

Last update : 13/07/2013


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