Malbouhans airport in Lure - Federal Hotel

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Tarif: 2,50 € l'appel + 2,50 €/mn

Malbouhans airport

IATA Code : N/A   ICAO Code : LFYL   Coordinates : 47 ° 42' 16" N / 6° 32' 45" E   Elevation : 1040m. (3415 ft.)
aeroport Selected Airport Nearest hotels
Nearest hotels:
Distance to Airport inferior to  2 km, hotel located in Froideterre
rooms ranging from: 80.00 Euros
Info: 5 chambres tout confort sous forme de pavillon, en pleine nature au bord de l'eau . Chambres à thème: exotique, comtemporaine, feutrée, style chalet . ...
Distance to Airport inferior to  5 km, hotel located in Lure
rooms ranging from: 48.00 Euros
Distance to Airport inferior to  6 km, hotel located in Ronchamp
Info: Grand parking 150 places...
Distance to Airport inferior to  8 km, hotel located in Ronchamp
rooms ranging from: 53.00 Euros
Distance to Airport inferior to  8 km, hotel located in Magny-jobert
rooms ranging from: 37.00 Euros
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