Bassussarry hotel accommodation Bassussarry hotel

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Tarif: 2,50 € l'appel + 2,50 €/mn

Our selection of 2 Hotels at Bassussarry

Lagrange Classic Les Hauts Dorlégui Bassussarry

Hotel at Bassussarry

Lagrange Classic Les Hauts D'orlégui is located within the grounds of the golf course in Bassussarry. It offers apartments grouped in a Basque-style building, just 15 kilometres from the beach. The apartments have a kitchen equipped with hotplates, oven,...
Customers' rating: 6.4/10
Our best hotel in Bassussarry
Atlantikoa Bassussarry

Chambre d'hôtes at Bassussarry

Located 11 km or a 15-minute drive away from Biarritz, on the Makila Golf Club Resort & Spa, this Basque villa features only one country-style guest room. With a private terrace, this room includes a TV, free Wi-Fi internet access, private toilets and ...
All information about Bassussarry

Bassussarry hotel accommodation Bassussarry hotel


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