The history of the prestigious Castle Usse, mixed with the magic of a unique and majestic site, has inspired many characters over the centuries.
This castle, situated in the beautiful Indre et Loire valley, inspired Charles Perrault's tale "The Sleeping Beauty." One can also admire in the arms room or in one of the five towers of the castle, the portraits of Chateaubriand and Vauban.
Usse Castle History
The knight Olivier of Ussé was the 1st Lord of Ussé in the eleventh century. Bueil John, Captain of King Charles VII and awarded for his heroic actions during the Hundred Years War, was the first to erect the present structure of the castle, four centuries later, which became a real fortress. The five towers, the turrets, the pinnacles, the drawbridge and moat can still be seen today.
The castle became the property of the Duras family in 1807 and the nephew of the Dukes's daughter, the Duke of Blacas inherited the castle, which he subsequently bequeathed to his children.
The castle is a treasure trove (furniture, artwork, collections) that are now accessible to visitors. The guard room contains a collection of unusual weapons, invaluable oriental objects, and thumbnails of great finesse representing various monuments in India.
In the former Renaissance chapel a unique collection is exposed : period costumes, accessories as well as fine tapestries from Brussels on the theme of David and Goliath which are exceptionally preserved.
Other Flemish tapestries from the factory Aubenarde, from the seventeenth century, adorn the walls of the old kitchen and the central gallery. They were inspired by the works of the painter David Teniers. They depict scenes of popular life and traditions in Flanders.
The grand staircase, designed by architect François Mansart in the early seventeenth century, leads to the royal apartments. A copy of Veronese's work "The Marriage at Cana" is on display.
In the king's chamber are also various Chinese-inspired silks; all the furniture and decorations dating from 1770.
Around the castle lie the famous terraced gardens of Ussé. These were designed by the architect Le Nôtre, and built with the help of Vauban. To the delight of young and old, you will discover along the walkway, the characters in the tale of Sleeping Beauty written by Charles Perrault.
Enjoy your visit.