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City of cemelum |
The city of Cemenelum (15 to 20 ha.) Is the ancient capital of Roman Provence Alpes Maritimes. It considers it in the first century after Jesus-Christ under the reign of Emperor Augustus. Before being annexed by the Romans, the Ligurian tribes occupied the territory. Access to the city was served by the Roman road Via Julia Augusta, "which comes from La Turbie and serves the new Provincia Romana. An organized system of streets, houses and monuments stands. Including the paved road oriented east-west, also called decumanus, which cut into the stone leaves suggest the presence of ancient traders stalls. Cemenelum also houses the Roman baths (consisting of three sets North, East and West) interesting to visit for history buffs and Ancient Greece. Archaeological excavations have revealed the presence of former flamens (Roman priests dedicated to the worship of one god) and SEVIRI Augustales (six freedmen participating in the celebration of the imperial cult). Under the Emperor Claudius, the city became a municipality of Roman law but with the development of the Roman conquest, it will eventually lose its status as a prefecture in favor of Embrun. |
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