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Eglise rupestre de vals |
The cave church of Vals is an amazing building built on three levels, during three different times. This ancient monument is perhaps the oldest in the region since remains from the Bronze Age were had been found there. The fortified church looks like an abandoned castle but contains great treasures, including paintings from the early twelfth century representing the Annunciation, the Nativity, and the parousia. The base level of the Church of Vals was built in a cave. We reached the first level built of a mixture of natural stone and masonry construction by 23 steps. There is a small chapel and the apse with its high arches (the flare is beyond a semicircle). The oldest part of the nave dates from lower pre-Romanesque, so it is more than 1000 years old! The precious frescoes dating from the early twelfth century were found in this part. They have been discovered only in 1952 by Father Durant. Reminiscent of the Catalonian style, they are also influenced by the style of the Master Pedret's workshop. These frescoes were very well restored. Today they are a treasure and a very good indicator of the art of the Romanesque period. Author : Amandine©
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