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Tarif: 2,50 € l'appel + 2,50 €/mn
Le rocher de monaco |
The wealth and the treasures of a princely rock. The Rock of Monte Carlo indicates in fact the old town around the Palace. Investigate it through narrow medieval alleys which lead to the picturesque Place Saint Nicolas and Small place Bosio, in the Chapel of the Mercy, to the Law court, and in the cathedral, the building of Romanic-Byzantine style built in 1875. Quite naturally, your steps guide you on the square of the Palace, where takes place every day, at 11.55am precisely, the changing of the guard of the Police-customs officers, in front of the Princely Palace. Built in the XIIIth century then reshaped in the Renaissance, the guard of a secular tradition, the Palace reveals to the visitors some of its splendors: the Main courtyard, Hercule's Gallery and the Lounge Mazarin and finally the Throne room. Installed in the Southern wing of the Princely Palace, the Museum of the napoleonic memories and the collection of the historic archives of the Palace contains a rich collection of more than one thousand objects and documents on it |
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Hotel Port Palace **** (Distance < 1 km)Info: Discover new harmonies ... Explore unknown sensationsInaugurated in September 2003, the first Boutique Hotel in Monte Carlo looks majestically over the prestigious Monte Carlo Marina.The newly built Port Palace is here to reveal the Monaco ... |
Hotel Forum *** (Distance < 1 km)Info: A calm, friendly, and modern atmosphere... * New Hotel with all modern comforts* 39 rooms sound proof with bathrooms* Bar* Room service 24 h / 24* Panoramic terrace* Room for disabled people* Elevator* Meeting room* ... |
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