Crots Tourism - Hautes-alpes

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Tarif: 2,50 € l'appel + 2,50 €/mn

Crots Tourism - Hautes-alpes

Hotels in Crots :
hotel chateau de picomtal  Info: The Chateau de Picomtal overlooks the Serre-Ponçon lake, in the Hautes-Alpes. It has a floral garden and courtyard, and offers en-suite accommodation with free internet access. The Picomtal's spacious guest rooms are housed in the histor...
hotel hôtel & spa les bartavelles Info: Come and discover the Hautes-Alpes region and its natural beauty, including the natural reserve of the Queyras, Serre-Ponçon lake, Boscodon Abbey, and the typical villages of the Queyras....

Crots Tourism - Hautes-alpes


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